At Whittlesea Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates, we believe in a patient-centred approach to treatment. This involves a collaborative effort from both the treating practitioner and the patient throughout the rehabilitation process. One of the best ways patients can be actively involved in their recovery is by having a ‘toolkit’ of strategies to effectively manage and control their pain between sessions. Below is a list of effective strategies we often recommend:
Regular physical activity helps prevent joint stiffness, muscle tightness and improves blood circulation. Therefore, we recommend regularly completing a home exercise program prescribed by your physiotherapist or participating in Clinical Pilates.
Breathing techniques:
Relaxed and controlled breathing is powerful tool we can use at home to help manage pain, stress and anxiety.
Heat/ice packs:
Ice packs and heat packs as well as topical creams can be effective strategies to reduce inflammation, promote healing and reduce pain.
It is important to make sure that we have a good desk set up when using electronic devices and a supportive pillow and mattress for sleeping. Other products such as lumbar support pillows and knee pillows can also be of benefit.
Self-treatment techniques:
Products such as foam rollers, spikey balls and the pocket physio can be used to complete self-treatment from home and promote healing.
If you would like more information on which strategies would best assist you in your recovery, please call our clinic today on 03 9716 2250 or book online via our website to see one of our experienced therapists.