What is bursitis of the hip?

Apr 14, 2016 | Hip

A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between moving tissues of the body such as tendons gliding on bony surfaces. The hip has 2 major bursae. Hip bursitis is the most common cause of hip pain. Trochanteric Bursitis frequently causes tenderness of the outer hip. Ischial bursitis can cause dull pain in the upper buttock area.

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa commonly caused by local soft tissue trauma or strain injury. Bursitis is not arthritis and therefore not a cause of true joint pain. Treatment of the Bursitis includes rest, ice, anti-inflammatory and pain medication either natural or pharmaceutical. On rare occasions the hip bursa can become infected with bacteria, which is called a Septic Bursitis. Although uncommon, inflammation can happen by crystals deposit from gout or pseudogout.

Trochanteric (hip) Bursitis frequently causes pain of the outer hip, which makes it difficult for those affected to lie on the involved side, often interrupting their sleep. The dull, burning pain experienced often worsens with excessive walking, exercise or stairs climbing. Ischial Bursitis can cause dull pain in the upper buttock, aggravated when walking uphill or climbing stairs. The pain sometimes occurs after prolonged sitting on hard surfaces.

Cortisone injection is typically rapidly effective. Recovery time is usually within days. Nevertheless, if the cause of the inflammation is not corrected the pain can return. Patients with hip bursitis can often benefit by weight reduction, stretching exercises and wearing proper footwear for exercise activities. Low Level Laser Therapy has shown to be very effective to reduce the inflammation and can be used alternatively when Cortisone injections are not indicated or have been ineffective in reduction of their pain and inflammation. Kinesiotape is an effective passive 24hour support to reduce pain and to aid in the rehabilitation process.

Generally, patients should avoid hills and stairs and direct pressure on the affected hip (sleep on the other side), when possible, while symptoms are present. Usually, Hip Bursitis resolves completely with conservative treatments. Strengthening exercises for the hip and pelvic muscles can be helpful in treating and preventing Hip Bursitis.

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