How can physiotherapy help your headache?

Oct 28, 2022 | Headache & Concussion

Ever wondered why you get headaches? If you are among the population that experience headaches, I am sure this question has crossed your mind. Headaches are very common and ranked as the third most disabling condition in people younger than 50 years old.

There are different types of headaches which an experienced physiotherapist with an interest in headaches can help to diagnose and then formulate the most effective management plan for you, using many skills in their toolbox to help to reduce the frequency of medication required, reduce the frequency and intensity of your headache. For some headaches, physiotherapy can be so effective that someone suffering from a daily headache for weeks or months can have the headache “lifted” in one session and with some repeat sessions actually “get rid of the headache”. For others, a multidisciplinary approach is required. Tension type headache is the most common headache and is essentially a muscular type of headache.

Headaches are a complex matter involving physical and environmental/social factors and the science behind each type of headache is well researched but too complex for this article. To help you understand how an experienced physiotherapist can help you, it helps to understand on a basic level that there are many types of headaches, so getting a diagnosis is important and helpful in treating it effectively.

Headaches are classified into 3 main groups:

  • Primary headaches (migraine, tension type, sinus headache, cluster headaches, hormonal headaches)
  • Secondary headaches (including cervicogenic headaches which are effectively managed with physio or more serious headaches that require urgent medical attention. Your physiotherapist can conduct a screening for serious pathology).
  • Neuropathies and facial pain.

Differentiating your headache:

Your physio will ask questions about the location of, type of pain, frequency, duration, and intensity of your headache as well as associated symptoms like nausea and visual changes and also ask about any triggers that bring on your headache. This will help to determine the type of headache you are experiencing.

You can make an appointment to see one of our physiotherapists for help with headaches or any of your other physio needs by calling us on 03 9716 2250